U. S. Capitol 
Bible Reading Marathon

Sunday, April 27 through Thursday, May 1, 2008

You are invited to join the thousands of believers who will come to the West Front of the U. S. Capitol to read the entire Bible aloud and without commentary 
for 90 continuous hours.

"Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a 
Light unto my path."
- Psalms 119:105

History of the Marathon

Each year since 1990, believers have gathered on the steps of our nation's Capitol for a Bible Reading Marathon leading up to the National Day of Prayer.

Many of the Bible Reading Marathons have been held in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer observances around our nation, which take place on the first Thursday of May.

Dr. John A. Hash, founder of the International Bible Reading Association has seen the importance of people reading all of God's Word, Genesis through Revelation, to prepare their hearts to pray in the way God would have.

God's Word and prayer are the real solutions to our nation's problems. This can only be accomplished by reading all the Bible because God has magnified His Word above His Name [Psalms 138:2].

How you can participate

an email to:
[email protected]

1.  Please include the following information:
Phone (with area code)

2.  Please tell us if you are:
Child (3-12)
Youth (13-19)
College Student
Senior citizen (55+)

3.  Please indicate times and dates you want to read.  Example: 
I want to read from 1:15 PM until 1:30 PM on 5/3