U. S. Capitol
Bible Reading Marathon


Media Contact

Terry Shaffer Hall
Phone:  202-441-6455
Email:  [email protected]

Press Releases/News Articles

Associated Press - 5/4/06

Christian Science Monitor - 5/4/06

- 5/4/06

All Headline News
- 5/2/06

Crosswalk - 5/2/06

Agape Press - 5/2/06

Associated Press - 5/1/06

Christian Post - 5/1/06

Capitol Region National Day of Prayer - 5/1/06

Faith & Action - 4/29/06

Washington Times - Inside the Beltway - 4/19/06

U. S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon to Begin Week of Prayer and the Word - 4/17/06

In Jesus - 4/17/06

Event Calendar

U. S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon
8:00PM, Sunday, April 27 through 2:00PM, Thursday, May 1
West Front, U. S. Capitol

Opening Ceremony:  6:00PM, Sunday, April 27 
Hosted by Rev. Rob Schenck, founder of Faith and Action

Continuous reading aloud of the Bible for 90 hours

Closing Ceremony:  2:00PM, Thursday, May 3

Prayer Stations for the Nation
West Front, U. S. Capitol
8:00PM, Sunday, April 27 through 2:00PM, Thursday, May 1

Continuous individual and group prayer for the Nation

Capital Region National Day of Prayer Observance
West Front, U. S. Capitol
5:00PM - 8:00PM, Thursday, May 1

Hosted by Rev. Dr. Corinthia Boone, Chairman of the National Capitol Region National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer